Tender review advice and responses

Have you been invited to tender for a major contract? Usually the principal will issue a tender bundle that sets out the scope of works, and includes a draft contract for your review. Once you have submitted your tender, if you haven't taken the time to query the contract, and request any departures (what the principal calls "non conformances") it’s too late. You are deemed to have accepted the contractual terms even before you have been awarded the tender. 

Get advice before you submit

Once you have won the tender it’s too late. You have already agreed to and missed the opportunity to ask for any changes to the contract.  

Contact Ricketts & Associates to find out how we can help you through the tender process.

We can identify hidden risks

You have probably spent so much time and effort on your pricing for the tender hoping to win the work, that you haven't  even considered the terms and conditions of the contract that you will be required to sign, if successful.

Whilst you are preparing your tender quote we can review the terms and conditions and advise your on your rights and any hidden risks. We can also prepare  "departures", that is, your requested amendments to the contract.