Contract review, contract drafting and preparation

A contract is more than just a piece of paper that you sign and then forget about. It’s the terms and conditions on which you have just agreed to conduct business with another person. A good contract provides clarity as to what each party is required to do, how payments are made and importantly what to do in the event of a dispute. 

Know what you are signing

Too many people sign what is put in front of them without really understanding what they are doing, and they can "sign their life away".

Even from a simple one hour review of a document we can let you know of any major risks or exposure to your business and how to reduce those - providing sleep at night peace of mind. 

Alternatively, you don't need to enter into a major deal on a handshake, we can craft a document that will set out the expectations you require from the other side and the steps each party is to take. This avoids any uncertainty.  

In the event of a dispute, the first thing a court will ask for is the agreed contract between the parties. A carefully prepared contract can be the difference between business success or failure. 

How we can help

Example: A couple sold their house and agreed to buy a motorhome to drive around Australia for 5 years before retiring. The motorhome was to be built from a basic plan and chalk outline on a workshop floor. The couple paid a $100,000 deposit and shook hands. When the motorhome was delivered months later, it was nothing like the shiny versions they had seen in 4wd magazines. In short it was a disaster, but they had no written document as proof of what they had agreed to. The couple then had to spend months in litigation to try and recover their money. 

Contact Ricketts & Associates to find out how we can help you.